Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes!
While searching on Pinterest, I came across a surprising, but easy brush cleaning tactic! You only need 2 ingredients to do it too!
Blue Dawn dish detergent and very warm, but not hot, water! See results at the bottom of this page.
I changed the routine a little from the post, so here is what I did...
1. I put the brushes in a cup of hot water with just a couple drops of dawn and let soak for only 10 minutes.
2. I then swished them around and ran each of them one by one under the warm water and washed them with 1 to 2 little drops of Dawn for each brush.
3. Rinse brushes.
4. Lay on paper towels or a rag and let air dry.
This worked magic on my foundation and blush brushes and eyeshadow brushes, but the eye shadow brushes still had some stains from where they had been used without cleaning for so long!
I highly recommend this theory!
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